W211 owners, what do you think of this car

Regarding the price and after-sales status of the Mercedes W211 (fifth generation of the E-Class), the specific information is as follows: Price: Since the W211 is no longer on sale, its price is no longer officially regulated, but is determined by the year, mileage, condition, configuration, and supply and demand in the region. Generally speaking, you can find the W211 on the second-hand market, and the price range may range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of RMB. Vehicles with high-end configurations or excellent maintenance may be priced higher.

After-sales status: Although the W211 has been discontinued, Mercedes-Benz official and global authorized service centers usually continue to provide a certain degree of after-sales service support, including repairs, parts supply and technical consultation. This means that car owners can still get original parts and professional repair services. However, over time, certain specific parts may become scarce, resulting in longer waiting times or higher costs.

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